Thursday, July 16, 2009

5 weeks 4 days.

Why am I pregnant and hiding?

Pretty exciting finding out your pregnant isn't it! Especailly when you've been trying for 6 months like we have.

Of course, for us, there is excitement then fear. Usually, reasonably closely followed by failure to find the baby's heartbeat, and a crushing pain that nobody can describe.

Great times, pregnancy.

My boobs are killing me. Morning sickness hasn't kicked in, (it never has, with 5 previous pregnancies..) but i'm praying for it. Fatigue however, is not my friend. I am So. Damn. Tired.

All these lovely symptoms, also accompanied by a slight dose of constipation, and headaches.

Great times, pregnancy.

Hormones are good. Hormones help the baby hang in there utill the placenta kicks in. Asprin is good, asprin might help keep this baby alive. (ONLY TAKE ON MEDICAL ADVICE!!!!) All these things happening - they are good.

Except of course, they were all good last time until ten weeks in. Just when we started to relax, right after the scan.

So for now we wait. 5 weeks, 4 days pregnant and already, stupidly, in love with this baby.

I just hope he or she lives this time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pregnant and Hiding.

Despite what this blog title says - i'm not really hiding from anyone. Not in the physical sense.

I'm hiding my pregnancy. I dont want anyone to know about it.

But i want to blog about it. See i have another blog. But i don't want those that read that blog to know, that I'm pregnant.

Not yet at least.

Maybe, once i know that my baby will live, maybe once we hit the magical 15 week mark, then i'll start telling them.

Until then, its just our little secret.